Easwara Sabha Surya Ashram

Agnimeele Purohitham
Yajnasya Devamrithvijam
Hotharam Rathnadhathamam

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1. Name of the society/Ashram          Easwarasabha surya Ashram

 2. Office Address                                  Moorikunnu ,
                                                                  East Pambaby .p.o.
                                                                  Thrissur -Dist, 680597 
                                                                  Kerala State South India.

 The Aim and objects of the Ashram

a.) To give proper lessons & Instructions of the inner meaning on the "Vedas" Which   been written for "Kaliyuga"
b.) To keep the poor people living in poverty, from cruel activities and blind believes by means of meditation, prayer and teaching them about proper spirituality.
c.) To bring the patients having disease such as mental Diseases, Epilepsy, etc, other physical & Mental problems, which has no proper treatment in modern medicine, and treat them properly to give them good confidence & relief to live in Ashram happily.
d.) To discourage the people in addicted, to Alcohol, drug and over unhealthful sexuality and lead them to healthful life.
e.) To teach the people proper and meditation which give them healthy thoughts, peaceful mind and good self-confidence
f.) To teach the people on the basis of all human beings are sons & daughters of one God & belive in one God principle other than to pray for different Gods, thus to create a castles society in the world
g.) To organze seminars, speeches propaganda cum teaching units in different places

h.) To receive and collect gifts, subscriptions, donations either in cash or in kind or acquire by any other lawful ways and means & spend the same in fulfillment of all or any of the aims and objects of the society. The income and properties of the society shall be applied dolely for the promotion and fulfillment of the aims and objects of the society provided any donor intends that his contributions, donation or substation shall be applied to the attainments of any particular object or objects of the Ashram, such contribution donation, subscribing shall be spent towards the promotion of that particulars object or objects only.
i.) To manage and administer any orphanage, nursing home, hospital, trust, school, collages and other institution irrespective of caste, creed or social status.
j.) To take over, absorb or Amalgamate with any other society or association of institution whose objects are similar to the objects of the society.
k.) To conduct prayer, Meditation & Veda study classed on Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday. Friday at the last week of the every months.
l. To conceive plans & projects to fulfillment of the above objects and implement them. The society shall have also power to frame rules & bye-laws under its constitution.
                                                                                                                                                              The management and control of the Easwarasabha Soorya Ashram shall be in the hands of a Governing body of management of the society to be elected annually by the General body meeting of the society and shall be carried on in accordance with the said committee of management, whose names, address an descriptions are subscribed hereunder and we the undersigned are desired of for mind a society names " Easwarasabha Soorya Ashram" in pursuance of the memorandum of Association.

1. Prabhakara Swami (Director)

2. Unnikrishnan.K.K (treasurer)
